Our Story
Some people say that the ‘Our Story’ page can be one of the most visited pages on a website. In this case it is ‘My Story’ as I am a one-person creator, maker and seller of the jewellery items being promoted here on the site.
My Story
My creative story started when I was very small when myself and my brother would go to stay with my grandmother every summer for two weeks, and it was she who taught me simple basic skills like sewing and embroidery.
Much, much later in life I went to art college where I studied for a degree in Art and Design which encompassed a wide range of subjects. Soon after leaving college, I had a hiatus in life as I developed the very painful disease of endometriosis which meant I was very incapacitated and included a couple of surgeries. However, with the support of a good homeopath and lots of self-help remedies using diet and supplements, after about 4 years I was able to overcome the disease.
This then led me to wanting to get back to my creativity so I enrolled in a City and Guilds course in Creative Textiles. This course taught me so much and really expanded my skills, not only working with textiles, but also working with paper, embellishing techniques, making handmade buttons and beads and so much more. I was eventually to go on and have a few solo exhibitions of my textile work.
Moving on, and after many of life’s changes and experiences, myself and my partner moved to Spain to run a painting holiday business in Andalucía. My partner is the painter and did the teaching while I ran the business side. To fill in my spare time I started making beaded jewellery which I sold at the local craft fairs and I was quite successful.
After about five years we had to wind up the business in Spain, thanks to the credit crunch of 2008 and we moved back to the UK. We managed to scraped enough money together to buy a house, but it needed lots of work and this took up all our spare time.
When we were more settled, I started to make jewellery again and I did lots of research of how to sell online. This led me to opening a shop on Etsy, but after about 2 years I became disillusioned with the operation at Etsy, and they also charged very high fees to operate on their site. So, I decided to leave their operation and to set up independently with my own website here at Adorn-You.
At the time of writing, the website is in its infancy, but I hope to improve the site and develop further ideas for my jewellery range. Additionally, as I have a strong background in sewing and dressmaking, I also hope to offer unique one-off items of clothing that incorporate some of my skills learnt from my creative textiles course.
I hope you enjoy browsing around my shop and if you have any questions just drop me a message from the contact page.
Happy browsing